Monday, November 23, 2009


look at you. a sturdy shelter above your head, a comfy bed, sumptuous meal on the table, new clothes to wear, tv and internet to connect to the rest of the world just at the tip of your finger. yet, you whine, you complain, you are unsatisfied with what you own.

look at the world. if you do not get it yet, those things are considered luxuries, not basic necessities. bet you didn't know that you are one of the richest in this world population. yet you claim that you are poor. people are being deprived of these things you take as granted. you can't see how much you have, you need to learn to count your blessing.

look inside of you. you got to be taught on being contented. don't believe anybody if they say contentment is for underachiever. what do they know about being successful? what do they know about YOUR definition of success? don't let the notion of being rich and holding a high position equates to success get the best of you.

look at this law of achieving, the maslow's hierarchy of needs. you have to be feeling secure with the basic level before proceeding to the next. tell me, how many times do you hear, i will do xxx when i have enough money. exactly what is enough? there will not be enough without contentment. in the end, we will never reach self-actualization cause we are all obsessed with "safety" i.e. financial resources. no step will be taken to achieve our dreams. its going to be difficult to convince ourselves that what we have is sufficient but its possible, for the sake of living a dream.

look at your dream. it just take one belief to break the mould, to believe you have all it takes. u just have to take the first step and not look back. run, sprint towards your dream and embrace whatever that comes along, be it good, be it bad. for that, for all your courage, you will taste success.

"when you have come to the end of all the light you know and are willing to take one more step - either you will be given solid ground to stand on or you will be taught how to fly."
- Gordon Paul
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