Tuesday, September 15, 2009

this is what i am made of

the world isn't flat. theres so many paths that one can take. off the beaten road or those streaming with cubiclelised zombie and of course there are still ppl out there who are passionate about their job.

[zombie: a mindless 9-to-5er. they set off from their "cave" early and leave the "battlefield" late. they have almost zero exposure to sunlight. they are only forced to step into the sunlight in order to move to their feeding ground when their need for the routine lunch arises. in order to minimise the damage inflicted by the sunlight and to find the best feeding spot, they bolted, scurried and raced with fellow zombies. (sgporeans are one with the fastest walking rate. congrats! we want first for most of the stuffs right? we are always hurrying off to everywhere but ending up in nowhere ultimately) and yes, like any other breed of zombies, they are the most active at night, "finishing off" somebody or getting themselves "finished". they find almost no thrill in life but succumb to their pathetic state]

so why limit ourselves to others restrictive mindset? u want to bind and strap me to those so-called lucrative achievements that i would nv be contented with? not so possible. its ok to be selfish and different for the sake of my dreams. if not tell me how do we come up with aircraft and electricity? its cause they ignore all those ridicules from those skeptics. its cause they know what they are after. its cause those ppl pursue their dreams relentlessly.

so why do we not dream? so why do we let others define whats good or not for us when we are the one truly aware of the answer? so why not start now?
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